Upper West Side Medical Associates
a patient centered medical home (PCMH)

Upper West Side Medical Associates (UWSMA)
464 West 145th Street
New York, NY 10031

Fax: (212) 926-7778

Teamwork Is What We Have at UWSMA
Welcome to Upper West Side Medical Associates a Recognized Level Three Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH)
Our physicians and bilingual staff work deligently to deliver excellent and cost effective care in a welcoming environment. We are committed not just to provide health care services but to provide health education to assist patients in learning about their well-being and maintaining a healthy life. We take into consideration factors such as culture, values, mother language and preferences that makes you a unique patient. Our motto is “Uniting, patients/family and care team for quality care for physical and mental needs”.
This is why we are in route of becoming a PCMH to reinforce our grounded belief in quality care.
The Core Principles of a PCMH are Comprehensive Care, Coordinated Care, Accessible Services, Quality and Safety.
Our Comprehensive Care team includes UWSMA physicians, physician assistant, medical assistants and patient educator.
Coordinated care of our patients is managed with other health care systems that include specialists, pharmacies, hospitals, home health agencies, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, paliative and hospices to ensure the best care.
We provide accessible services that include same day appointments, extended week day hours for evening appointments . Our website includes a patient portal that can be accessed for appointments, referral and prescription request, also to obtain a secure electronic clinical summary
UWSMA ensure our patients quality and safety by using evidence-based medicine and
clinical decision-support system to provide the best clinical care. Our annual patient
satisfaction survey is a tool tomeasure our performance and to make improvements.
UWMA is a proud member of the National Health Service Corps (NHSC)
As your primary care physicians, our responsibilities are to:
Provide you with in formation of your disease and treatment available
Explain your test results in a way that you understand
Listen to your concerns and feelings about your care and answer any questions you may have
Provide you with same day or after- hours services
Provide you with self-assessment tools and educational material to meet your treatment goals
Ensure that you will get access to your medical care 24/7
Our responsibility to you
As our patient your responsibilites are
To be part of the decision making process for your health care
To be honest about your health, symptoms, daily activities, and habits
To follow your treatment plan as indicated
To take your medication as prescribed
To make changes to your lifestyle that will be a health benefit for you
To contact us for all of your non-life threatening emergencies
To respond to our patient survey to help measure the quality of services to you
To be committed to your health, let it be a priority